
Reverse Engineering and Deformulation of Chemical Formulations

Chemical formulation deformation or reverse engineering offers particular information on the created product's composition and how the ingredients interact. Deformation aids in determining which chemicals, substances, or materials are used in the manufacturing process. Because complicated product formulations may comprise dozens of chemicals with various chemical properties, this can be as difficult as creating a new product.

Our analytical chemists use their industrial expertise in reverse engineering and deformation projects to help you better understand chemical formulations or products, as well as the behavior and interaction of constituent parts. We don't merely present a list of basic elements or a "menu," but instead take a strategic approach.

Reverse Engineering and Deformulation of Chemical Formulations

The information gathered can assist your firm in making judgments about product innovation, quality control, and product performance enhancement, as well as investigate patent infringement and invalidation. Alfa Chemistry's scientists provide strategic reverse engineering analysis programs to assist you with your formulation or product development. We use a number of technical methodologies in these programs to gain a better understanding of specific formulations or materials and how they perform.

Why Choose Alfa Chemistry?

We can supply information to help you better understand the formula's numerous constituents and ingredient concentrations, as well as how these ingredients and substances interact and operate. Chemical, beauty and personal care, cosmetics, food, medical equipment, electronics, construction, cleaning goods and wipes, packaging, and polymers companies benefit from our experience.

Coatings, polymer additives, perfumes, rheological agents, fungicides, pigments or dyes, preservatives, surface treatment agents, and surfactants are examples of chemical technologies that can impart functional effects to formulations.

Structure and classification of surfactants.Fig 1. Structure and classification of surfactants. (Nakama Y, et al. 2017)

Our reverse engineering project is a critical tool for resolving patent infringement, fostering innovation, addressing quality control difficulties, and assisting specialized chemical technologies in their market entry. We apply our skills to separation science, spectroscopy, extraction, elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, and physical testing through our coordinated approach, which allows us to work directly with customers to provide discreet and impartial testing knowledge.

The following are examples of typical deformation projects that we have completed:

  • Product Development
  • Product Benchmarking
  • Product Identity Confirmation
  • Competitor Product Analysis
  • Product Analysis of Specific Chemicals
  • Patent Infringement Investigation

Alfa Chemistry uses multi-level deformation and reverse engineering methodologies to give consumers realistic outcome expectations as well as a wealth of information and assistance. Your company's study on the constituents of manufactured chemical products will be significant and extremely accurate thanks to our independent and discreet approach.


  1. Nakama Y, et al. (2017). "Surfactants." Cosmetic Science and Technology. Theoretical Principles and Applications: 231-244.