What is the product name of CAS number 7069-42-3?
The product name is Retinyl Propionate.
What are the synonyms for Retinyl Propionate?
The synonyms are Retinol, propanoate, all-trans- and Vitamin A propionate.
What is the molecular weight of Retinyl Propionate?
The molecular weight is 342.51.
What is the purity of Retinyl Propionate?
The purity is 98%.
How much of the product is composed of actives?
The product contains 95% actives.
What is the physical state of Retinyl Propionate?
It is a solid.
In what ways can Retinyl Propionate be used?
It can be used as an antioxidant.
What is the molecular formula of Retinyl Propionate?
The molecular formula is C23H34O2.
What are some common applications for Retinyl Propionate?
One common application is as an antioxidant.
Can Retinyl Propionate be used in skincare products?
Yes, Retinyl Propionate is commonly used in skincare products due to its antioxidant properties.