What is the product name of CAS number 68440-02-8?
The product name is Polybeta-alanine.
What are some synonyms for Polybeta-alanine?
Some synonyms for Polybeta-alanine are 3-Aminopropanoic acid and homopolymer.
What is the percentage of actives in Polybeta-alanine?
Polybeta-alanine contains 95% actives.
What is the physical state of Polybeta-alanine?
Polybeta-alanine is in a solid physical state.
What is a typical application of Polybeta-alanine?
A typical application of Polybeta-alanine is skin conditioning.
How is Polybeta-alanine different from 3-Aminopropanoic acid?
Polybeta-alanine is a homopolymer form of 3-Aminopropanoic acid.
What are the potential benefits of using Polybeta-alanine for skin conditioning?
Using Polybeta-alanine for skin conditioning can help improve the overall condition and appearance of the skin.
How is Polybeta-alanine commonly used in skincare products?
Polybeta-alanine is often used as an active ingredient in skincare products for its skin conditioning properties.
Are there any known side effects of using Polybeta-alanine in skincare?
There are no known side effects of using Polybeta-alanine in skincare products.
How does the actives percentage of 95% in Polybeta-alanine impact its efficacy in skin conditioning?
The high actives percentage of 95% in Polybeta-alanine contributes to its effectiveness in providing skin conditioning benefits.