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Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether

Catalog Number
Benzene, 1,3,5-trimethoxy-;1,3,5-Trimethoxybenzene
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
Physical State
Typical Applications
Use as dispersing agent.
Use as intermediate in organic synthesis.
Spec Sheet
Custom Q&A

What is the molecular weight of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

The molecular weight of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is 168.19.

What is another name for Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

Another name for Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is 1,3,5-Trimethoxybenzene.

What is the CAS number of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

The CAS number of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is 621-23-8.

What is the physical state of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

The physical state of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is solid.

What is the percentage of actives in Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

The percentage of actives in Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is 95%.

What are some typical applications of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

Some typical applications of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether include use as a dispersing agent and as an intermediate in organic synthesis.

What is the molecular formula of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether?

The molecular formula of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is C9H12O3.

What is the specific use of Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether as a dispersing agent?

Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether is used as a dispersing agent to help distribute particles evenly in a solution.

How can Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether be used in organic synthesis?

Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether can be used as an intermediate in organic synthesis to create new compounds.

Can Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether be used in other industries besides organic synthesis?

Yes, Phloroglucinol trimethyl ether can also be used as a dispersing agent in various industries outside of organic synthesis.

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