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Phenol red

Catalog Number
Molecular Weight
Molecular Formula
Active Content
Physical State
Typical Applications
Use as indicator.
Use as dye.
Spec Sheet
Custom Q&A

What is the CAS number for Phenol red?

The CAS number for Phenol red is 143-74-8.

What is the molecular weight of Phenol red?

The molecular weight of Phenol red is 354.38.

What is the molecular formula of Phenol red?

The molecular formula of Phenol red is C19H14O5S.

What is the percentage of actives in Phenol red?

Phenol red contains 95% actives.

In what physical state does Phenol red exist?

Phenol red exists in a solid physical state.

What are the typical applications of Phenol red?

The typical applications of Phenol red include its use as an indicator and dye.

Is Phenol red commonly used in laboratory experiments?

Yes, Phenol red is commonly used in laboratory experiments as an indicator.

Can Phenol red be used in biological assays?

Yes, Phenol red can be used in biological assays as a pH indicator.

What color does Phenol red turn at different pH levels?

Phenol red turns yellow in an acidic environment and red in a basic environment.

Are there any known adverse effects of using Phenol red?

Prolonged exposure to Phenol red can cause skin irritation and be harmful if ingested.

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