What is the product name of the chemical with CAS number 122-00-9?
The product name is P-Methyl acetophenone.
What is the molecular weight of P-Methyl acetophenone?
The molecular weight is 134.18.
What is the molecular formula of P-Methyl acetophenone?
The molecular formula is C9H10O.
What is the percentage of actives in P-Methyl acetophenone?
The percentage of actives is 95%.
What is the physical state of P-Methyl acetophenone?
The physical state is solid.
For what is P-Methyl acetophenone typically used?
It is typically used as a perfume.
What is the CAS number of P-Methyl acetophenone?
The CAS number is 122-00-9.
How does the molecular weight of P-Methyl acetophenone compare to the molecular formula?
The molecular weight is 134.18, which is calculated from the molecular formula C9H10O.
What is one common application of P-Methyl acetophenone?
One common application is in perfumes.
What is the chemical structure of P-Methyl acetophenone?
The chemical structure is a methyl group attached to the phenyl group with a carbonyl group.