What is the product name of CAS number 111879-80-2?
The product name is Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one, (12E)-.
What is the molecular weight of Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
The molecular weight is 238.37.
What is the molecular formula of Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
The molecular formula is C15H26O2.
What is the percentage of actives in Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
The percentage of actives is 95%.
In what physical state is Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one is in liquid state.
What are some typical applications of Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
It is typically used as a perfume.
What is the synonym for Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
The synonym is Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one, (E)-.
What is the molecular formula weight of Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
The molecular formula weight is 238.37.
How does Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one appear in physical state?
It appears in liquid physical state.
What is the CAS number of Oxacyclohexadec-12-en-2-one?
The CAS number is 111879-80-2.