What is the product name of CAS number 143-13-5?
The product name is Nonyl Acetate.
What is the molecular weight of nonyl acetate?
The molecular weight of nonyl acetate is 186.30.
What is the molecular formula of nonyl acetate?
The molecular formula of nonyl acetate is C11H22O2.
What is the boiling point of nonyl acetate?
The boiling point of nonyl acetate is 228 °C.
What is the melting point of nonyl acetate?
The melting point of nonyl acetate is -26°C.
What is the purity level of nonyl acetate?
The purity of nonyl acetate is 99%+.
What is the density of nonyl acetate?
The density of nonyl acetate is 0.864g/ml.
What is the appearance of nonyl acetate?
Nonyl acetate appears as a liquid.
What is the typical application of nonyl acetate?
The typical application of nonyl acetate is in perfume.
How should nonyl acetate be stored?
Nonyl acetate should be stored in a freezer.