What is the product name of Nicotinaldehyde?
The product name of Nicotinaldehyde is Nicotinaldehyde.
What is the CAS number for Nicotinaldehyde?
The CAS number for Nicotinaldehyde is 500-22-1.
What are the synonyms for Nicotinaldehyde?
The synonyms for Nicotinaldehyde are 3-Pyridinaldehyde and 3-Pyridinecarboxaldehyde.
What is the molecular weight of Nicotinaldehyde?
The molecular weight of Nicotinaldehyde is 107.11.
What is the molecular formula of Nicotinaldehyde?
The molecular formula of Nicotinaldehyde is C6H5NO.
What percentage of actives is present in Nicotinaldehyde?
95% of actives is present in Nicotinaldehyde.
In what physical state can Nicotinaldehyde be found?
Nicotinaldehyde is in the liquid physical state.
What are the typical applications of Nicotinaldehyde?
Nicotinaldehyde is used as an antimicrobial agent, antibacterial agent, and preservative.
How is Nicotinaldehyde commonly used in the industry?
Nicotinaldehyde is commonly used in the industry for its antimicrobial properties.
What are some of the potential benefits of using Nicotinaldehyde in products?
Nicotinaldehyde can help to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, making it useful as a preservative and antibacterial agent in various products.