What is the molecular formula of Myristyl lactate?
The molecular formula of Myristyl lactate is C17H34O3.
What is another name for Myristyl lactate?
Another name for Myristyl lactate is Tetradecyl lactate.
What is the CAS number of Myristyl lactate?
The CAS number of Myristyl lactate is 1323-03-1.
What is the molecular weight of Myristyl lactate?
The molecular weight of Myristyl lactate is 286.45.
What is the physical state of Myristyl lactate?
Myristyl lactate is in liquid physical state.
What percentage of actives does Myristyl lactate contain?
Myristyl lactate contains 95% of actives.
What are the typical applications of Myristyl lactate?
The typical applications of Myristyl lactate include use as a dispersing agent, emulsion stabilizer, and lubricant.
How is Myristyl lactate commonly used in products?
Myristyl lactate is commonly used as a dispersing agent and emulsion stabilizer in products.
How is Myristyl lactate beneficial as a lubricant?
Myristyl lactate functions as a lubricant in products.
Can Myristyl lactate be used in a variety of industries?
Yes, Myristyl lactate can be used in various industries due to its dispersing, emulsion stabilizing, and lubricating properties.