What is the product name for the CAS number 120962-03-0?
The product name is Low erucic acid rapeseed oil.
What are some synonyms for Low erucic acid rapeseed oil?
Some synonyms for this oil are Canola oil.
What is the active ingredient percentage in Low erucic acid rapeseed oil?
The active ingredient percentage is 95%.
In what physical state is Low erucic acid rapeseed oil?
It is in a liquid physical state.
What are some typical applications of Low erucic acid rapeseed oil?
Some typical applications include use as an emollient and for skin conditioning.
How is Low erucic acid rapeseed oil commonly used in skincare products?
It is commonly used as an emollient and for skin conditioning purposes.
Can Low erucic acid rapeseed oil be used in topical applications?
Yes, it can be used topically.
What is the chemical composition of Low erucic acid rapeseed oil?
It contains low levels of erucic acid.
What are some potential benefits of using Low erucic acid rapeseed oil in skincare products?
Some potential benefits include moisturizing and softening the skin.
Is Low erucic acid rapeseed oil safe for use on sensitive skin?
It is generally considered safe for use on sensitive skin, but individuals should always do a patch test to check for any adverse reactions.