What is the product name of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The product name is L-Ascorbic acid, dihexadecanoate.
What is the CAS number of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The CAS number is 28474-90-0.
What are the synonyms of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The synonyms are Ascorbyl dipalmitate.
What is the molecular weight of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The molecular weight is 652.94.
What is the molecular formula of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The molecular formula is C38H68O8.
What is the percentage of actives in L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The percentage of actives is 95%.
What is the physical state of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The physical state is solid.
What are the typical applications of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
It is used as an antioxidant.
What is the chemical structure of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate?
The chemical structure of L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate is C38H68O8.
What is the importance of using L-Ascorbic acid dihexadecanoate as an antioxidant?
It helps in preventing oxidation and spoilage of products.