What is the product name of CAS number 29461-14-1?
The product name is Isolongifolene ketone exo.
What are some synonyms for Isolongifolene ketone exo?
Some synonyms for Isolongifolene ketone exo are PICONIA, PICOMATE, Ketosesquine, and ISOLONGIFOLANONE.
What is the molecular weight of Isolongifolene ketone exo?
The molecular weight is 220.35.
What is the molecular formula of Isolongifolene ketone exo?
The molecular formula is C15H24O.
What is the flash point of Isolongifolene ketone exo?
The flash point is 119.7°C.
What is the density of Isolongifolene ketone exo?
The density is 1 g/cm³.
What percentage of actives does Isolongifolene ketone exo contain?
It contains 95% actives.
In what physical state is Isolongifolene ketone exo?
It is in liquid form.
What are some typical applications of Isolongifolene ketone exo?
It is used as perfume.
What is the molecular structure of Isolongifolene ketone exo?
The molecular structure of Isolongifolene ketone exo is a ketone with a hexahydro-1,1,5,5-tetramethyl group.