What is the product name of the chemical with CAS number 61788-45-2?
The product name is Hydrogenated tallowamine.
What is the IUPAC name of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
The IUPAC name is Octadecan-1-amine.
What is the molecular weight of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
The molecular weight is 269.51.
What is the molecular formula of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
The molecular formula is C18H39N.
What is the melting point range of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
The melting point range is 38-55 °C.
What is the purity of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
The purity is 95%+.
What is the physical state of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
The physical state is solid.
What are some typical applications of Hydrogenated tallowamine?
It can be used as an antistatic agent, emulsifying agent, dispersing agent, corrosion inhibitor, and lubricant.
What is the storage recommendation for Hydrogenated tallowamine?
It should be stored at room temperature.
What are some synonyms for Hydrogenated tallowamine?
Some synonyms include Amines, hydrogenated tallow alkyl.