What is the reference number for Guar Gum in PubChem?
The reference number for Guar Gum in PubChem is PubChem SID 482031711.
What is the source category of Guar Gum?
Guar Gum falls under the category of Governmental Organizations as a source.
What is the external ID of Guar Gum?
The external ID of Guar Gum is 38007.
What is the version of Guar Gum in PubChem?
The version of Guar Gum in PubChem is 1.
Is there any revision history for Guar Gum?
No, there is no revision history mentioned for Guar Gum.
What is the current status of Guar Gum?
The current status of Guar Gum is live.
What is the annotated record for Guar Gum?
The annotated record for Guar Gum can be found for a more complete information.
When was Guar Gum deposited in PubChem?
Guar Gum was deposited in PubChem on 2023-06-08.
When was Guar Gum last modified in PubChem?
Guar Gum was last modified on 2023-06-08.
When will Guar Gum be available in PubChem?
Guar Gum will be available on 2023-06-08.