What is the CAS number of Fluorescent Brightener 135?
The CAS number of Fluorescent Brightener 135 is 1041-00-5.
What is the molecular weight of Fluorescent Brightener 135?
The molecular weight of Fluorescent Brightener 135 is 290.32.
What is the molecular formula of Fluorescent Brightener 135?
The molecular formula of Fluorescent Brightener 135 is C18H14N2O2.
What is the density of Fluorescent Brightener 135?
The density of Fluorescent Brightener 135 is 1.287.
What percentage of actives does Fluorescent Brightener 135 contain?
Fluorescent Brightener 135 contains 95% actives.
In what physical state is Fluorescent Brightener 135?
Fluorescent Brightener 135 is in a solid physical state.
What is the typical application of Fluorescent Brightener 135?
The typical application of Fluorescent Brightener 135 is as a fluorescent brightener.
How can Fluorescent Brightener 135 be used?
Fluorescent Brightener 135 can be used as a fluorescent brightener.
How does Fluorescent Brightener 135 benefit products?
Fluorescent Brightener 135 enhances products by making them appear brighter and more vibrant.
Are there any specific industries or products that commonly use Fluorescent Brightener 135?
Fluorescent Brightener 135 is commonly used in industries such as textiles, paper, plastics, and detergents to enhance the brightness and appearance of products.