What is the CAS number for Ethanolamine thioglycolate?
The CAS number for Ethanolamine thioglycolate is 126-97-6.
What are some synonyms for Ethanolamine thioglycolate?
Some synonyms for Ethanolamine thioglycolate are Monoethanolamine thioglycolate and Acetic acid, 2-mercapto-, compd. with 2-aminoethanol (1:1).
What is the molecular weight of Ethanolamine thioglycolate?
The molecular weight of Ethanolamine thioglycolate is 153.2.
What is the molecular formula of Ethanolamine thioglycolate?
The molecular formula of Ethanolamine thioglycolate is C4H11NO3S.
What percentage of Ethanolamine thioglycolate is considered as actives?
95% of Ethanolamine thioglycolate is considered as actives.
What is the physical state of Ethanolamine thioglycolate?
The physical state of Ethanolamine thioglycolate is solid.
What are some typical applications of Ethanolamine thioglycolate?
Some typical applications of Ethanolamine thioglycolate are use as antioxidant and use as reducing agent.
How does the molecular weight of Ethanolamine thioglycolate compare to the molecular formula?
The molecular weight of Ethanolamine thioglycolate is 153.2, which matches the molecular formula C4H11NO3S.
What are the potential benefits of using Ethanolamine thioglycolate as an antioxidant?
Using Ethanolamine thioglycolate as an antioxidant can help in preventing oxidation and extending the shelf life of products.