What is the product name of compound with CAS number 15905-32-5?
The product name is Erythrosine acid.
What is the molecular weight of Erythrosine acid?
The molecular weight of Erythrosine acid is 835.89.
What is the molecular formula of Erythrosine acid?
The molecular formula of Erythrosine acid is C20H8I4O5.
What is the percentage of actives in Erythrosine acid?
The percentage of actives in Erythrosine acid is 95%.
In what physical state is Erythrosine acid?
Erythrosine acid is in a solid physical state.
What are the typical applications of Erythrosine acid?
The typical applications of Erythrosine acid include its use as a dye and fluorescent dye.
How many atoms of iodine are present in the molecular formula of Erythrosine acid?
There are four atoms of iodine present in the molecular formula of Erythrosine acid.
What is the color of Erythrosine acid when used as a dye?
Erythrosine acid is typically red in color when used as a dye.
Can Erythrosine acid be used as a food coloring agent?
Yes, Erythrosine acid is commonly used as a food coloring agent.
What is the significance of the CAS number 15905-32-5 for Erythrosine acid?
The CAS number 15905-32-5 is a unique identifier for Erythrosine acid that helps in accurate identification and classification of the compound.