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Elaeis guineensis butter

Catalog Number
Elaeis guineensis (Palm) butter
Melting Point
30-40 °C(lit.)
Active Content
Physical State
Typical Applications
Emollient; Skin conditioning
Spec Sheet
Custom Q&A

What is the product name for Elaeis guineensis butter?

The product name for Elaeis guineensis butter is Elaeis guineensis butter.

What is the CAS number for Elaeis guineensis butter?

The CAS number for Elaeis guineensis butter is 8002-75-3.

What are some synonyms for Elaeis guineensis butter?

Some synonyms for Elaeis guineensis butter are Elaeis guineensis (Palm) butter.

What is the melting point of Elaeis guineensis butter?

The melting point of Elaeis guineensis butter is 30-40 °C.

What percentage of actives does Elaeis guineensis butter contain?

Elaeis guineensis butter contains 95% actives.

What is the physical state of Elaeis guineensis butter?

The physical state of Elaeis guineensis butter is solid.

What are the typical applications of Elaeis guineensis butter?

The typical applications of Elaeis guineensis butter are as an emollient and skin conditioning agent.

How can Elaeis guineensis butter be used as an emollient?

Elaeis guineensis butter can be used as an emollient to soften and soothe the skin.

What benefits does Elaeis guineensis butter provide as a skin conditioning agent?

As a skin conditioning agent, Elaeis guineensis butter helps to improve the overall condition and texture of the skin.

Are there any known side effects or risks associated with using Elaeis guineensis butter?

There are no known side effects or risks associated with using Elaeis guineensis butter, making it a safe and effective skincare ingredient.

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