What is the product name of CAS number 10191-41-0?
The product name is Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol.
What are the synonyms for Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
The synonyms are Dl-Α-Tocopherol.
What is the molecular weight of Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
The molecular weight is 430.71.
What is the molecular formula of Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
The molecular formula is C29H50O2.
What is the percentage of actives in Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
The percentage of actives is 95%.
What is the physical state of Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
The physical state is a liquid.
What are the typical applications of Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
It is typically used as an antioxidant.
How is Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol commonly used in products?
It is commonly used to extend the shelf life of products.
What is the significance of the CAS number 10191-41-0 in relation to Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol?
The CAS number is a unique identifier for chemical compounds, in this case, for Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol.
How does Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol play a role in maintaining product quality?
Dl-Alpha-Tocopherol acts as an antioxidant, helping to preserve the quality and freshness of products.