What is the product name of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol?
The product name is Dimethylmethoxy chromanol.
What is the CAS number of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol?
The CAS number is 83923-51-7.
What are the synonyms for Dimethylmethoxy chromanol?
The synonyms are 3,4-Dihydro-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-6-ol.
What is the molecular weight of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol?
The molecular weight is 208.25.
What is the molecular formula of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol?
The molecular formula is C12H16O3.
What percentage of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol is considered active?
95% of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol is active.
In what physical state is Dimethylmethoxy chromanol found?
Dimethylmethoxy chromanol is found in a solid physical state.
What is a typical application of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol?
A typical application is its use as an antioxidant.
What are some potential uses of Dimethylmethoxy chromanol as an antioxidant?
Dimethylmethoxy chromanol can be used in skincare products, food preservation, and in the pharmaceutical industry.
What are some potential benefits of using Dimethylmethoxy chromanol as an antioxidant?
Some benefits include increased shelf life of products, protection against free radicals, and potential anti-aging properties.