What is the product name for the chemical with CAS number 103213-19-0?
The product name is Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate.
What is the active percentage of Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate?
The active percentage is 95%.
What is the physical state of Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate?
The physical state is liquid.
What are some synonyms for Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate?
Some synonyms are 9,12,-(Z,Z)-Octadecadienoic acid dimer and isooctadecyl diester.
What is a typical application of Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate?
A typical application is as an emollient.
What is the CAS number for Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate?
The CAS number is 103213-19-0.
What is the chemical composition of Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate?
It is composed of two units of dimerized linoleic acid esterified with isooctadecyl alcohol.
How does Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate function as an emollient?
It helps to soften and soothe the skin, providing moisturizing properties.
Can Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate be used in cosmetic formulations?
Yes, it is commonly used in cosmetic formulations for its emollient properties.
What is the recommend usage level of Diisostearyl dimer dilinoleate in cosmetic formulations?
The recommended usage level is typically between 1-10%.