What is the product name for CAS number 26850-24-8?
The product name is DEDM Hydantoin.
What is the molecular weight of DEDM Hydantoin?
The molecular weight of DEDM Hydantoin is 216.23.
What is the molecular formula of DEDM Hydantoin?
The molecular formula of DEDM Hydantoin is C9H16N2O4.
What percentage of actives does DEDM Hydantoin contain?
DEDM Hydantoin contains 95% actives.
What is the physical state of DEDM Hydantoin?
DEDM Hydantoin is in a solid state.
What are some typical applications of DEDM Hydantoin?
Some typical applications of DEDM Hydantoin include use as an antimicrobial agent, antibacterial agent, and preservative.
What is the synonym for DEDM Hydantoin?
The synonym for DEDM Hydantoin is 1,3-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione.
What properties make DEDM Hydantoin useful as an antimicrobial agent?
The high percentage of actives in DEDM Hydantoin make it effective as an antimicrobial agent.
How can DEDM Hydantoin be used as a preservative?
DEDM Hydantoin can be used as a preservative to extend the shelf life of products by preventing microbial growth.
What is the key function of DEDM Hydantoin in its applications?
The key function of DEDM Hydantoin in its applications is to inhibit the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.