What is the CAS number for D-Mannitol?
CAS number 69-65-8.
What is the molecular weight of D-Mannitol?
The molecular weight is 182.17.
What is the molecular formula of D-Mannitol?
The molecular formula is C6H14O6.
What is the IUPAC name for D-Mannitol?
The IUPAC name is (2R,3R,4R,5R)-hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol.
What is the boiling point of D-Mannitol?
The boiling point is 295°C.
What is the melting point of D-Mannitol?
The melting point is 167-170°C.
What is the density of D-Mannitol?
The density is 1.52g/ml.
What are some typical applications of D-Mannitol?
D-Mannitol is used as a sweetener, emulsifier, bulking agent, stabilizer, and thickener.
What is the appearance of D-Mannitol?
It appears as a white crystalline powder.
What is the pH of D-Mannitol in a 1M solution?
The pH is 5.0-6.5 (1M, H2O).