What is the CAS number for Astaxanthin?
The CAS number for Astaxanthin is 472-61-7.
What is the molecular weight of Astaxanthin?
The molecular weight of Astaxanthin is 596.84.
What is the molecular formula of Astaxanthin?
The molecular formula of Astaxanthin is C40H52O4.
What is the purity level of Astaxanthin?
The purity of Astaxanthin is 98%.
What is the percentage of actives in Astaxanthin?
The actives in Astaxanthin are 95%.
What is the physical state of Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is in a solid physical state.
What are the typical applications of Astaxanthin?
The typical applications of Astaxanthin include use as an antioxidant and use as a dye.
What is the color of Astaxanthin?
Astaxanthin is red in color.
How is Astaxanthin commonly derived?
Astaxanthin is commonly derived from marine sources such as algae and krill.
What are some health benefits associated with Astaxanthin consumption?
Astaxanthin is known for its antioxidant properties, as well as potential benefits for skin health, eye health, and inflammation reduction.