What is the molecular formula of 2-Dodecylhexadecanol?
The molecular formula is C28H58O.
What is the CAS number for 2-Dodecylhexadecanol?
The CAS number is 72388-18-2.
What is the synonym for 2-Dodecylhexadecanol?
The synonym is 1-Hexadecanol, 2-dodecyl- or Dodecylhexadecanol.
What is the molecular weight of 2-Dodecylhexadecanol?
The molecular weight is 410.76.
What is the percentage of actives in 2-Dodecylhexadecanol?
The actives percentage is 95%.
What is the physical state of 2-Dodecylhexadecanol?
It is a solid.
How can 2-Dodecylhexadecanol be used as a dispersing agent?
It can be used as a dispersing agent in various applications.
In what ways can 2-Dodecylhexadecanol be used as an emulsifying agent?
It can be used as an emulsifying agent in certain processes.
How is 2-Dodecylhexadecanol used as a lubricant?
It is used as a lubricant in specific applications.
What is the typical application of 2-Dodecylhexadecanol in organic synthesis?
It can be used as an intermediate in organic synthesis.