What is the IUPAC name for the product 10-Undecenal?
The IUPAC Name is Undec-10-enal.
What is the CAS number of 10-Undecenal?
The CAS number is 112-45-8.
What is the molecular weight of 10-Undecenal?
The molecular weight is 168.28.
What is the boiling point of 10-Undecenal?
The boiling point is 98-100°C.
What is the purity percentage of 10-Undecenal?
The purity is 95%+.
What is the appearance of 10-Undecenal?
It is a clear, colorless liquid.
What is the melting point of 10-Undecenal?
The melting point is 7°C.
What is the density of 10-Undecenal?
The density is 0.84 g/mL at 25°C.
What are some typical applications of 10-Undecenal?
It is used as a perfume.
What is the physical state of 10-Undecenal?
It is in the form of crystals or crystalline powder.