What is the product name of CAS number 4287-19-8?
The product name is 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol.
What are the synonyms for 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol?
The synonyms are 2-Propanol, 1-amino-3-phenoxy-.
What is the molecular weight of 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol?
The molecular weight is 167.21.
What is the molecular formula of 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol?
The molecular formula is C9H13NO2.
What is the percentage of actives in 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol?
The percentage of actives is 95%.
What is the physical state of 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol?
The physical state is solid.
How is 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol typically used as an emulsifying agent?
Yes, it is used as an emulsifying agent.
In what applications can 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol be used as a dispersing agent?
It can be used as a dispersing agent.
What is another use of 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol?
It can be used as a corrosion inhibitor.
How can 1-Amino-3-phenoxy-2-propanol function as an antistatic agent?
It can function as an antistatic agent.